July 2 - Day 18

Today has been a day of continued trust in God and that of gladness as we have seen Dean's heartrate, blood pressure, and ICP becoming more stable throughout the day! At 2pm, they took him off his blood pressure medicine and with God's touch he has been able to keep steady pressures. As his pressures continue to stablize they will be able to wean him off the mannitol (an osmotic diuretic agent) with the goal of removing his brain monitor in the next day or so. Pray that his ICP continues to decrease and his vitals remain steady. His body still remains swollen with at least an extra 35 pounds of fluids. He is absorbing and digesting his nutrient shake well. Dean has a respiratory infection in his sputum (a mucus that is coughed up from the lower airways) which they are treating with an antibiotic. He also has a fever of 101. His body is in the healing process and we believe God is doing a mighty healing within his brain and throughout his entire body as we pray earnestly and wait. 

I sit by his bedside most of the day and hold his hand. Since the pentobarbitol has metabolized he has begun to resume his reflexive hand movements. I watched our wedding video today with tears in my eyes and joy in my heart at the privilege of being Dean's wife. Before our wedding ceremony, he sent me a love letter that he wrote the night before. I want to share a portion of this note with you all:

"I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will love you forever. You are the one girl for me! I know God brought us together and his grace will keep our love story through the many years we will be together."

with all my love, forever your man -Dean


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